Soul Traveler

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The MIDNIGHT SUN conjures up the Ch‘i of the Sun we do not see at midnight but exists at midnight local time in the Northern latitudes. The midnight Sun still affects us at a quantum level as we can see his light reflecting from the Moon.

The flowing waxing and waning of MIDNIGHT SUN’S healing frequencies latch on to your central nervous system to soothe away the rough edges of life’s incoherent vibrations that negatively affect our immune systems.

Please enjoy listening to MIDNIGHT SUN while reading Negative Ions and Vitality and Walk Like an Egyptian Think Like a Shaman. These chapters from my book Healing Journeys will transport you to levels of inner peace, clarity, expanded awareness and a propensity to proactive healing consciousness.

MIDNIGHT SUN was encoded with healing intent by Ch‘i Gung Pianist Kevin Misevis, Master Wan Su Jian and 4 Ch‘i Gung masters, doctors and disciples from Beijing, China. These compositional performances were channeled on a rarely heard 7’ 4” August Förster Grand Piano that was hand crafted in East Germany. Her tonal quality is so superior to any other with the exception of a hand crafted Bösendorfer piano, that just her rich, full and pre-eminent sound alone creates environments for frequency healing.

MIDNIGHT SUN Ch‘inatas are an excellent sound choice for mediation, yoga, massage, body work, Ch‘i Gung, working out or for creative projects, birthing, putting children to bed or calming them down and for those moments when you want to connect on a spiritual level.