Soul Traveler
The MISEVIS IN CONCERT CD was spontaneously performed, channeled, recoded and filmed at the Rubin Museum of Art in New York City and is the first time ever the ancient healing art of Ch‘i Gun was performed with a Western instrument—the Piano in front of a live audience. The Ch‘inatas were encoded with Ch‘i (Qi, Ki, prana) and healing intent by Ch‘i Gung Pianist Kevin Misevis, Master Wan Su Jian and 4 Ch'i Gung masters, doctors and disciples from Beijing, China.
The MISEVIS IN CONCERT CD is also available as a DVD download and in Videos on the menu bar. This DVD contains footage from healing sites all over the world interweaved with channeled concert. The music and videos create multisensory healing experiences by relaxing the body and mind and reducing stress. Take the Journey!