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Soul Traveler



Regular price $ 1.49 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 1.49 USD
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TIME WAVES reveals the mystical aspects of time and how we are but waves of interdimensional time, space and energy flowing in and out of existence. TIME WAVES will settle your nerves, relax your mood and fill your spirit with peace and tranquility.

TIME WAVES’ Ch‘inatas are compositional performances that were channeled on a rarely heard 7’ 4” August Förster Grand Piano that create environments for reducing stress and create a healing response in the body, mind and soul. TIME WAVES was encoded with Ch‘i and healing intent by Ch‘i Gung Pianist Kevin Misevis, Master Wan Su Jian and 4 Ch‘i Gung masters, doctors and disciples from Beijing, China. TIME WAVES is perfect for meditation, yoga, massage, body work, Ch‘i Gung, birthing, intimate moments, working out and on creative projects.

Put on TIME WAVES while reading Kilohertz, Megahertz, Gigahertz and Noise and Vibrational Resonance, from the book HEALING JOURNEYS. Listen to and feel how frequencies intermingle with your skin, ears, organs, mind, spirit and any changes that may affect you.

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